Hitachino Nest Pirika IPA 常陸野ネスト ピリカIPA
Name 名前
- Hitachino Pirika IPA
- 常陸野ネスト ピリカIPA
Style スタイル
- Session IPA
- セッションIPA
From 原産国
- Ibaraki, Japan
- 茨城県、日本
ABV アルコール度数
- 4.5%
Color 色
- Orange, Yellow
- オレンジ、黄色
Brewery ブルワリー
- Kiuchi Brewery
- 木内酒造合資会社
Official Site 公式サイト
Aroma 香り
- Yuzu
- ゆず
- Sansho(Japanese Pepper)
- 山椒
- Hop
- ホップ
Taste 味
- Yuzu
- ゆず
- A little spiciness of sansho
- 山椒のピリ辛
- Slight bitterness
- 程よい苦味
- Well balanced
- バランスの良い味
Overall 総合評価
I’m not sure this is true or not, but I heard that they got an idea of this beer when they had a dinner meeting, one of the guy put Sansho into his beer and it tasted good.
This is Session IPA and what is session IPA. It is a flavorful and big-tasting beer, but ABV is low so it is easy to drink and won’t weigh you down.
This beer is a very well balanced beer between sourness, spiciness and bitterness. It has many layers of flavor and tastes. It is light, flowery and easy to drink.
It can go well with food, especially Japanese food. Yuzu and Sansho are great Japanese condiments, but I think they are more than just condiments because they can give whole new flavor and taste.
Hitachino has so many different types of beer so why don’t you find your favorite Hitachino beer. Cheers!!!
常陸野は沢山の色々なスタイルのビールがあるので、あなたのお気に入りを見つけてみてはいかがでしょうか? 乾杯!!!