Name 名前

  • Kyoto IPA
  • 京都麦酒 IPA

Style スタイル

  • IPA
  • インディア ペール エール

From 原産国

  • Kyoto, Japan
  • 京都府

ABV アルコール度数

  • 6.5%

IBU 国際苦味単位

  • Not mentioned
  • 記載なし

Color 色

  • Yellow, Gold
  • 黄色、ゴールド

Brewery ブルワリー

  • Kizakura
  • 黄桜酒造

Official Site 公式サイト

Aroma 香り

  • Citrus
  • 柑橘類
  • Sweetness of fruits
  • 果物の甘い香り
  • Hops
  • ホップ

Taste 味

  • Sweetness of fruits
  • 果実の甘さ
  • IPA, but it’s easy to drink
  • IPAですが、かなり飲みやすいタイプ
  • Bitterness of hops in aftertaste
  • 後味に苦味がある

Overall 総合評価

When Ozeno Yukidoke IPA was no longer available, this Kyoto IPA was born. These 2 beers are like relatives. So what happened was that when Ryujin Sake Brewery decided not to brew beer any more, Kizakura Sake Brewery got their IPA recipe and they brewed this Kyoto IPA. Of course, they added some twists to their IPA.


When I heard that Ozeno Yukidoke IPA was no longer available, I was shocked because it was one of my favorite IPA in New York. But then, I found out that Kyoto IPA was brewed based on the recipe of Ozeno so I expected they were the similar tastes, but they were not.


Compared to other IPAs, Kyoto IPA is very easy to drink. It has sweetness of fruits, citrus flavor and bitterness of hops in aftertaste. IPA is usually powerful beer, but this Kyoto IPA is elegant. So I recommend this beer to people who don’t like IPAs because it is IPA, but not like IPA.

他のIPAに比べて、京都麦酒IPAはかなり飲みやすい方だと思います。果実の甘み柑橘類のフレーバーそして後味にホップの苦味があります。IPAは大体、力強いパワフルなビールですがこのビールはしなやかです。なのでIPAがあまり好きではないという方にすごくオススメです。IPA であってIPAでないようなビールです。

Now, there are 6 kinds of Kyoto Beer available in NY and another series from Kizakura, it’s called Lucky Beer are available, too. In the future I will write about every beer, but if you have a chance, why don’t you try them. They are all great beer.
